Posted  by  admin

Csl Modem Broadband Driver For Mac

Someone take responsibilty and make a comment. How hard can it be to find out what is going on and let us know. How hard can it be to write a driver? As hard as writing the code for Final Cut Pro? Just get the job done! Im sick of this. Time for Department of Fair Trading, A Current Affair - Blah blah blah.

Anyone with me? It clearly states on the packaging early 07.

Not early now. A digital papertrail of no advice, effort, support or well wishing. How hard is it for the people responsible for this project to keep us informed? He might be right. I think the real problem here is that Maxon's developer is based in the USA (where there is no Next-G network to test on), so the process is greatly slowed in transporting drivers here, testing, and sending back - seems stupid to me.

They could just fly the chap out here, let him test & develop on a 'live' system, and get it working. If I were to hold anyone responsible, it'd be Bigpond for advertising so clearly that driver's would be available so soon - and then reneging on that promise. I'm fortunate I can use it under Parallels, but really, that's a pain in the arse.

People keep referring to Maxon, but I thought they were developing the driver only for the orange Telstra modem. Officially - yes.

Actually - no. Maxon created the hardware, and the differences in hardware between the Orange and Blue modems is next to nothing.

The major difference is the way they authenticate with Telstra's Next-G network. Maxon still need to write the drivers for the Blue modem - as they have with the Orange - and then Bigpond can slap it's connection manager software over the top to do authentication. The issue is, however, that Maxon are working on an interim solution to allow Bigpond Blue modem users to access the modem on a Mac before Bigpond release their connection manager, as there is likely to be some delay between when Bigpond are given the hardware driver, and they release software to make it work.

As best I can tell, the delay is still with Maxon at the moment - they haven't handed over a working driver to Bigpond which BP can build on. This seems somewhat clear by the fact that Maxon haven't gotten anywhere close to mentioning a beta driver for the Blue modem, or suggesting that they've given a driver to Bigpond to work with. Wow - I have had one of the Blue modems sitting on a shelf doing nothing for months - Bigpond - what a lot of pain and false promises. And to top this off they are sending me a monthly bill charging me for something that has never been used. Bigpond is a disgrace.

Last phone call they told me they are 'waiting for Apple to develop the drivers'. It would be nice to know who is sorting it out and how long? Of course customers are the last thing on their minds otherwise something would have been sorted out by now. Patience - this is stretching the concept to the limit.

Wow - I have had one of the Blue modems sitting on a shelf doing nothing for months - Bigpond - what a lot of pain and false promises. I don't recall BigPond ever giving a definite time on the drivers for OSX. And to top this off they are sending me a monthly bill charging me for something that has never been used.

And who's the fool that's a) paying for it and b) signed up in the first place (see above)? Why would anyone buy a product that is not only not compatible with their OS but has no specific time frame for resolution? Bigpond is a disgrace.

Are they really? It would be nice to know who is sorting it out and how long? Of course customers are the last thing on their minds otherwise something would have been sorted out by now. How many times do people have to be told? Looking at 1st quarter 2007 roughly (that's still a couple of weeks yet). BigPond sure do hate their customers and haven't been trying at all to facilitate or hasten the driver release.mmmmm.

Just to say I have only ever called Bigpond direct, I don’t recall asking you personally to fix the problem. This aside, I feel compelled to respond.

And who's the fool that's a) paying for it and b) signed up in the first place (see above)? Why would anyone buy a product that is not only not compatible with their OS but has no specific time frame for resolution? A) I am not paying and b) Guess what - when I 'signed' up I asked if this technology supported MAC OS and guess what the sales person said ' Yes - it will work on MAC'. The device arrived, plugged it in, nothing. Called technical support and they admitted fault at their end for selling me a non-supported product. I am not that stupid and I take offence that you infer that I am.

25 years in many technical and management IT roles can vouch for my creditability. Are they really? Each telephone conversation the story is different. My advice is to brief everyone to say the same thing.

How many times do people have to be told? Looking at 1st quarter 2007 roughly (that's still a couple of weeks yet). BigPond sure do hate their customers and haven't been trying at all to facilitate or hasten the driver release.mmmmm Nice to see Bigpond do care. BTW - the last conversation I had with your technical team was the beginning of March. They gave me an ETA of '14th March'. BTW #2 - I can return and cancel the non-working service any time, but hey, this has interest so i am hanging to see the outcome and how good it works.

I love you enthusiasm for Bigpond. I am sure the drivers will come along one day. I really could not care less what ISP you use either. If you chose to purchase something which you knew would not work immediately, that was your decision. Mine was based information from an employee at a Telstra store that said otherwise. The 2nd Telstra store I told my saga to said that they could fix it when I knew they couldn't.

They couldn't. Has Bigpond/Telstra made that abundantly clear? You think so, I disagree.

Assuming your situation is the same as everyone else's is ridiculous. Defending poor service doesn't solve anything either. If I want to use these forums to complain about that poor service I will.

Csl Modem Broadband Driver For Mac Free

I'm just amazed with what Australians put up with from their TelCos. If I want to use these forums to complain about that poor service I will.

I'm just amazed with what Australians put up with from their TelCos. Go right ahead. I think you'll find that complaining here won't do you any good though. I suggest that if you're upset with Telstra / Bigpond's actions, you should complain to them, and if you receive no satisfaction (and from the sounds of it, you won't), go to Fair Trading (or your states equivalent) and tell them you were misled into purchasing a product by false or misleading representations by staff.

If however you're just idly whinging here because you're too lazy to try and resolve your problem - I think you'll find no one actually cares. If however you're just idly whinging here because you're too lazy to try and resolve your problem - I think you'll find no one actually cares.

Its great to be able to see and hear from other people out in the real world having real experiences with this stuff. Forums are often the only place where you can get honest info. Telstra marketing is full of shit. So stop assuming you can tell others who cares and who doesnt! Beyond all of this. Bigpond have no excuse.

They arent some tinpot company who cant afford R&D. If they are happy to release the product and put ads up everywhere, than there is no excuse for the exceedingly large amount of problems their customers are having. Well folks, got a blue USB modem sitting here right now - except i'm not complaining this time because Telstra have forgotten to get it back from me in the last month, and so - i'm bloody well keeping it this time (!) - and yeah, i'll wait patiently for the drivers, because god knows i'm not gonna wait for concrete information anymore. I'll continue to pay the extortionate $100 per month it costs me for 2gig on a satellite broadband in the bush. I figure the 'was $299' - 'now FREE'- modem just about pays for my wasted time and effort.

I want to state a few things categorically, not that i really care anymore - 1) telstra and bigpond have definitely provided misleading advertising in the early part of their nextG campaign. 2) telstra and bigpond staff have definitely given incorrect and/or misleading information regarding devices, plans,etc - because this is the incorrect and/or misleading information they themselves have received. 3) they're not giving rough times or estimates on updates, drivers, anything - beacuase they've got themselves into trouble advertising things that don't exist yet if this blue USB thingy works sooner or later, great, if not, i don't care, just made myself $299. Its great to be able to see and hear from other people out in the real world having real experiences with this stuff. You're hearing from people who've had negative experiences. I'm sure an equal, if not significantly larger, number have had great experiences with Bigpond's Next-G product. Telstra marketing is full of shit.

They have got some mixed messages out there about Mac compatibility - product packaging indicates that its not YET Mac compatible. Website now says its not Mac compatible at all. Various people of sales have said that they ARE Mac compatible.

Full of shit? Inconsistent in their advice? There is no excuse for the exceedingly large amount of problems their customers are having.

My, you paint with a broad brush. Firstly you tell me not to assume what others care or don't care about. Then, in the same brainfart, you unilaterally declare and imply that a huge proportion of Bigpond customers are having problems with their services, and that this is all Bigpond's fault?

How many of these problems do you think can be attributed to people wanting the product to do something, or work in an environment, that it is not advertised to do? You're hearing from people who've had negative experiences. I'm sure an equal, if not significantly larger, number have had great experiences with Bigpond's Next-G product.


Nope, i sell the things everyday so im seeing every person who buys them and i know the numbers of people having problems are far too high. Full of shit? Inconsistent in their advice? Inconsistent advice, especially when you are taking somebodies money (in my book) means you are full of shit. How many of these problems do you think can be attributed to people wanting the product to do something, or work in an environment, that it is not advertised to do? Hardely any of the people ive seen are trying to use the card for anything other than what it was intended for.

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So i see loads of excuses from Telstra with little or no credibility. Just thought I'd update the forum. I have installed the Mac 10.4 beta drivers for the Bigpond (blue) USB modem and now have it working. The drivers seem to be stable, and I'm about to try out Parallels to see if this will work.

Will update later. The connection utility appears not to be working yet with the drivers as it says it can't find the modem, but this doesn't affect the overall functionality as I can connect through System Preferences where there is an option under the new HSDPA/Preferences option to connect. Thanks Maxon for the opportunity to test the new drivers. Peter Walker. I have now tried out Parallels using the beta Universal drivers with my BigPond NextG USB modem (blue). I have also run some speed tests to see how good the link is.

From my house (where Telstra mobile signal is fairly marginal), I am getting downloads of around 30 KB/sec. I am on the lower speed plan, and am very happy with this, as it is close to the maximum I should get on this plan. The drivers seem to be fairly robust compared to my previous iBurst software. I have tried pulling the USB modem out when errors or spinning wheels, and worked again when replugged.

The software still needs a fair bit of work.I can't get auto connect to work and assume this is yet to be implemented (although I can tick the box in the system preference pane). I am going to give it a go from other locations today, and also try out upload speed. Peter Walker. Well it's the 21st of April, I just got the blue BigPond USB modem, I downloaded the beta drivers from BigPonds website - and it doesn't work! On either of the two Intel Macs I tried it on. Well what a joke this is. Maxon jumping up and down saying 'We're working on this fulltime!

We're not getting any sleep'. Uh right, so the Macintosh has been around for, uhh, 23 years. And you didn't think to write drivers for it from the upstart?

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So you just release this Bigpond Blue Modem and do the typical Mum and Dad IT company thing and just release Windows drivers. AND THEN, and ONLY THEN you you realise, 'Wait who are all these people jumping up and down wanting support for their, what do you call it. Driver developers, have you heard of this computer before?

Well why don't you start on getting something out for these 2nd class citizens and I'll go on the forums and tell them we're doing all we can to make them happy?' Are you guys going to learn from your mistake? The next time you make widget XYZ are you going to consider doing your jobs and stop making daft excuses? However, I have managed to get mine to work. If you can let me know what problems are coming up maybe I can help you get started as well.

Well, I downloaded the drivers for this BigPond Blue USB modem from: This is BPWBConnectionManagerMac2.5.3­.dmg I install it. Restart the computer (you don't need to do this on the Mac, but hey, I'll try anything); Open the Bigpond app now put in my apps folder; Plug the modem in; turn it on. Then I get a message saying that I need to register the new modem. I click the Register button and another screen comes up saying it's looking for signal. It can't find any signal.

Not at my place. Not at my parent place. Not on my Mac.

Not on their Mac. Not in the lounge room. Not in the back room.

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Yes, I've checked the coverage maps and we're WELL in the range. I even put the sim card in my mobile phone - it gets full bars.

Csl Modem Broadband Driver For Mac Os

Wounder why they call them beta drivers? Wounder why they dont offically support that OS? Mac has been around for x amount of years, but they are crap, and XP/vista are were the large% of potential customers are, they are working on drivers, but it dosnt happen overnight. Just like how it took nvida over 3 months to get decent drivers for 8800 graphics card, but then again they are a huge harware company with a huge list of customers, vs maxon with a smaller company and smaller product sales.