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Importing Content Into Your Collection You can import music in one of two ways, via your iTunes Library or by indexing music on your hard drive. Import iTunes Library:. Select the Import iTunes Library option. Select OK to confirm the action.
Your Beatport Pro Library will be populated with all compatible music from iTunes, including playlists. Add Files to Collection:.
Select Add Files to Collection. Select the location where you’d like to have Beatport Pro search your hard drive for media. Your Beatport Pro Library will be populated with all compatible music. Drag content from iTunes or the Finder:. Select the content you wish to import in iTunes or the Finder.
Drag into a source list node, the collection tableview, or the app dock icon. Working with playlists in Beatport Pro To create a playlist simply select the 'add to source list' menu icon (“+”) at the bottom-left of the source list and select “New Playlist” from the menu. You can also select “New Playlist Folder” to group playlists into directories in order to create highly organized hierarchies and playlist folder structures. To re-order a playlist or playlist folder, select the one you’d like to move and drag it to the desired location.
To add content to a playlist, select the desired content and drag it into a playlist. If you would like to delete a playlist, select the playlist and then the delete key, or right-click on the playlist and choose delete from the contextual menu. Saving and loading filter sets The filter preset bar can be used to store and easily access commonly used filter combinations. Relevant presets can be used across the store and your collection. Save a filter set:. After finding a filter combination that you’d like to save, select the “Save” button on the right side of the filter preset bar.
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Type a name to identify your preset, and select 'Save' in the flyout dialog. Load a filter set:. Select the store or collection node you would like to filter.
Using the workspace controls in the header bar, expand either the preset manager or the bookmark bar. Select the filter set you would like to load. Your filter set has been loaded into the filter bar, and the content view will now show filtered results. My Beatport in Beatport Pro for Mac View your My Beatport music:. Select the desired store node in the source list. Select My Beatport Artists or Labels from the preset manager or bookmark bar. Necessary filters will populate the filter field and My Beatport content will be displayed in the content grid.
Access Individual My Beatport Artists/Labels:. Select the desired store node in the source list. Find 'My Beatport Artists' or 'My Beatport Labels' in the preset manager or bookmark bar. Expand the desired node, and select 'Artists' or 'Labels' from the tree. You will now see a complete list your My Beatport Artists/Labels.
Selecting any artist or label will take you to their details page. Working with multiple carts Multiple shopping carts in Beatport Pro for Mac allow you to create a flexible categorization system while shopping. Creating a new cart:.
Select the “+” button. Select “New Cart”. Enter a name for your cart. There are multiple ways to add music to your carts:. Drag content from the grid view into a specific cart.
In the details panel or play queue, select the secondary menu inside the add to cart button and choose the cart you wish to add your track to. Checking out with a cart:. Select the cart you wish to check out with. Ensure the content you’ve added to the cart is all content you wish to purchase.
Select “Proceed to Checkout”. Add any coupons or gift codes if applicable, review the order details and select “Continue”.
Select “Complete Checkout”. Using the Metadata Assistant The Metadata Assistant is an advanced tool designed primarily to help users who had previously implemented tagging structures across their music collection in other software. From the File Menu select Metadata Assistant.
Begin by selecting the “+” plus button in the lower left. If you plan to split up tags from a specific frame of your collection, select split rule. If you plan to just copy or append data to a new meta data frame, select matching rule. Then select the source tag which you would like to transfer information from (most commonly the Comments field). Choose data found in your tracks comments field that you would like to write to your collection. For instance, moods you would like to transfer to the Mood tag category in Beatport Pro. Or you can choose Energy, Venue, Keys, etc.
Ensure proper spelling and case for these tags. Before running the migration, you can verify your rule is working properly by selecting “eye” preview button. When you are sure that the rules you have set are 100% accurate.
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Select “Run”. The tracks in your library will now contain the transferred data in the appropriate fields. Export iTunes library music file You can export your Beatport Pro library as an iTunes library file to Traktor, Rekordbox, Serato, and other software applications. From the File Menu select Beatport Pro - Preferences. Select the location you would like to keep your iTunes Music Library file. Select the audio types you wish to export.
Choose the metadata you would like to write to the comments frame. Choose how you would like the tags to be separated (for instance the default is two forward slashes). Your iTunes Music Library file will be created automatically. Note: After each Beatport Pro session the exported library file will be updated with your latest playlists and data. Access your collection in Traktor You can access your Beatport Pro library within Traktor by following these simple steps:. Open Traktor.
From the File Menu select Traktor - Preferences. Select File Management from the Traktor Preferences menu.
Then choose the location of your iTunes Music Library you have exported from Beatport Pro and close the Prefences panel. Return to the library view in Traktor and select iTunes in the source list.
As of version 2.1, you can now access your Beatport Pro filter presets from within Traktor. Access the iTunes source node within the Traktor library. Open the folder called 'My Filter Presets'.
You will find all your filter presets and preset folders. These playlists and folders are updated automatically as content is added to your Beatport Pro library.