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Red Summer Platform MAC Bling Women Glamorous Sandals Leather Slippers Peep Toe 2 U Heeled Beach for wPp6FqFv The Reviewers is an optional feature of Blackbaud Grantmaking that is enabled at the client's request. By using the Reviewers section, Requests are assigned to staff members or external experts for review. A Blackbaud Grantmaking record called a Review tracks the Request being reviewed, the person performing the review, dates associated with the Review (such as the due date), and the reviewer’s feedback. NOTE: This module is optional, please contact your sales representative to have it added. The ability to assign a staff member to a proposal is limited to those with the Client Administrator Role privileges. Assigning Proposals to Reviewers - First, you as the proposal owner assign one or more reviewers to a proposal. Setting Up Required Review Sequences (Optional) - If you as the proposal owner choose to set one up, a required review sequence sends the proposal to your internal staff reviewers one a time, based on the order of Reviews established in the proposal.
If a reviewer accepts a proposal, it is sent on to the next reviewer. Non-required internal Reviews and all external Reviews are sent to different reviewers concurrently.
Notifying Reviewers - Blackbaud Grantmaking automatically sends each reviewer an email notification when it is his or her turn to review the proposal. Reviewing and Approving/Declining Proposals - You as a reviewer then review the proposal. You are asked to decline a proposal you recommend against, or approve a proposal you review favorably.
This is the case only when you as a reviewer complete a required Review. If this is not the case, the proposal owner can still view and weigh your (and others') feedback when making his or her decision. The tasks which comprise the review process fall under two responsibilities:. Assigning and Managing Reviews - The staff member responsible for the proposed Request (the “proposal owner”) assigns and manages Reviews. This could be a Grants Manager or Program Officer.
Completing Reviews - If you have been assigned a proposal to review, you can view the Request, enter your feedback, and submit it. External reviewers may perform this task. Best Practices.
When adding a reviewer contact record, use a unique e-mail address. The e-mail address is tied to the reviewer's login to access the Reviewers Portal. Name the review form the same name as the review stage it is linked to.
This helps you identify the form that reviewers see when you assign a stage. Update the default verbiage of the reviewer notifications. Instead of using the generic wording built into these email templates, log into the Document Template Manager and customize their text so it is clear to the reviewer they have been assigned a review and must set up their login password (for first time reviewers). If you are not requiring feedback, do not check it on the stage. Otherwise the reviewer must enter a response in order to submit their review.
Instead, if you have Blueprint module, add custom fields to create additional feedback questions outside of what is offered on the stage, that are optional. For example: optional board comments. Create various column views in Blackbaud Grantmaking to give reviewers display options to help organize and sort their reviews on their Portal dashboard. Change the logo and colors of the Reviewer Portal to reflect your branding. Use the Help link for all questions related to reviewer setup and Portal navigation. Remember to test (again and again): Assign each review stage to yourself and staff. Play the role of reviewer.
Log into the Reviewer Portal, open a review and download related documents. Post a new discussion. Save your feedback and submit your review. Track the submissions on your Blackbaud Grantmaking dashboard. You can add one or more reviewers to a proposal.
If you desire (and if the option is available for your organization), you can make reviews required and place them in a specific sequence. NOTE: The ability to assign a staff member to a proposal is limited to those with the Client Administrator Role privileges. To assign a staff member to a proposal, first search for and find the Request you want to add a Review to and open its Request edit form to start. From the request form, click Manage Reviewers on the Action menu. The completing review section describes features found in the Internal Reviews module. If you have been set up to serve as a reviewer, newly assigned proposals appear on your Blackbaud Grantmaking home page. You can see Reviews you've completed in the past as well.
From the home page you can then review the Request, enter your feedback, and submit your Review. Review Dashboard Parts If you have been set up to perform Reviews in Blackbaud Grantmaking, you should see these dashboard parts on your home page. In Progress Reviews This dashboard part lists Reviews you have not yet completed. They are new Reviews, or Reviews you've started but not yet submitted.
The links to the right of each proposal summary allow you work with Reviews:. Click View Grant Request to open the Request edit form for the proposal.
You can read details about the proposal and view attached documents. Click Edit/Submit Review to enter your feedback on the proposal. Submitted Reviews This dashboard part lists Reviews you completed and submitted in the past.
The links to the right of each proposal summary allow you work with Reviews:. Click Glamorous Toe MAC for Bling Leather Women Beach Sandals Red 2 Summer Peep Platform Slippers Heeled U View Grant Request to open the Request edit form for the proposal.
You can read details about the proposal and view attached documents. Click View Review to see the feedback you provided. Note that you can't change your answers after you've submitted the Review. Declined Reviews - Will not review If a reviewer declines the review, the status of the review becomes 'Will not review'. From the ribbon menu - select Full Search: Select Add Filters, the Filters Option window opens, scroll down and select the checkbox in-front of Status. Click Ok: Beach Toe 2 Platform Leather Glamorous Sandals Bling MAC Summer Women Slippers U Red Peep for Heeled Select Declined to Review from the status drop-down menu and click Search: You can now see the status row with 'Declined to Review' listed.
If you wish to save this search, select the save icon: Give your search a name and select OK: Resubmitting Reviews To open a review to be resubmitted, you need to have the correct administrative permissions access. NOTE: Sequential reviews cannot be resubmitted. Open the Review Record in Blackbaud Grantmaking – then select Actions Allow Resubmission. You can then choose to generate another correspondence to the Reviewer letting them know the Review is being resubmitted.
You’ll want to set up an that provides a link to the Reviewer Module and tells them the Review has been sent back for Resubmission. Entering and Submitting Your Feedback Note: To fill out your Review, click the Edit/Submit Review link in the In Progress Reviews dashboard part.
The Edit Review dashboard part opens, containing two sections:. The first part contains the Proposal Summary, which includes the proposal's Organization, Primary Contact, email address, Project Title, Request Amount, Recommended Amount, among other information. The second part contains all of the feedback fields that must be completed by the reviewer in a section labeled Your Review. To edit and submit a Review:. Complete the data entry fields in the Your Review section of the Edit Review page. The Yes/No field - if it appears - is used to indicate whether you feel the Request you are reviewing should be approved. Once you have completed the Review by filling in all the feedback fields that appear, click Submit to begin the submission review process.
A submission confirmation page appears. Tip: If you begin your review but are not able to complete it for any reason, you may save the incomplete Review and return to it later. Simply click Save to save the Review without submitting it at this time. Check your Review information to make sure it is accurate, and then click Submit Review. A submission acknowledgement page appears. Click Submit Review a second time to complete the Review submission.
You may click Edit to return to the Edit Review page and make additional changes to your Review. Click Continue to return to the Blackbaud Grantmaking home page. 2 Heeled Beach Glamorous Platform for Women Toe Summer Red Bling U Slippers MAC Sandals Peep Leather You (or another internal reviewer) may need to approve or decline the Request you have reviewed, depending on your position in the review sequence and your selection in the “Yes/No” feedback field. Note that external reviewers are not afforded the chance to approve or decline Requests in any circumstances. Voting Yes or No Your vote in the Yes/No field on the Edit Review page indicates your decision on whether or not the Request should be approved. The following scenarios are possible:.
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You vote “No”—Once you submit your Review, the review sequence is ended and you are asked to process a Request declination. If you do not have permission to decline Requests, you are not able to submit a Review with a “No” vote. You vote “Yes” and you are the last reviewer in the sequence—Once you submit your Review, you are asked to process the Request approval. If you do not have permission to approve Requests, you are not able to submit a final Review with a “Yes” vote. You are able to submit your Review once another reviewer has been added to the sequence, either by the proposal owner or by you (if you have the appropriate permissions). You vote “Yes” and you are not the last reviewer in the sequence—Once you submit your Review, the next reviewer in the sequence is notified.
Approving a Proposal When you are the final reviewer in a sequence and you submit a Review with a “Yes” vote (or you are a Grants Manager and click Approve Proposal in the proposal's Actions menu), you need to approve the Request you reviewed. After clicking Submit Review on the submission confirmation page (or Approve Proposal in the proposal's Actions menu), the Request Approval page appears. Complete the fields available on the Request Approval dashboard part, and then click Approve to complete the approval. Note: If you do not want to approve the Request for any reason, you may click Cancel on this page. Note: Declining a Proposal If you are a Grants Manager and click Decline Proposal in the proposal's Actions menu, the Request Declination page appears.
Complete the fields available on the Request Declination page, and then click Decline to complete the declination. Note: If you do not want to decline the Request for any reason, you may click Cancel on this page. External Reviewers are non-staff people, often experts in the type of endeavor you're considering funding, who advise grant makers by reviewing specific proposals. In Blackbaud Grantmaking, these outside or external reviewers are saved as Contact records. Proposal owners may add external reviewers and request their review of a specific proposal. The feedback for a Review that has not been submitted is only visible to the assigned reviewer.
This is done intentionally to keep the review feedback private until it has been submitted. Adding an External Reviewer Leather for 2 Peep Bling Summer Toe Slippers Sandals Women Beach Red Platform MAC Glamorous Heeled U External reviewers are saved as Contact records in Blackbaud Grantmaking. Adding an external reviewer means adding a new Contact.
If a Contact record for the person already exists, you can edit the record to grant reviewer access. Client Administrators, Grant Managers, Grants Associates and Program Officers can add new Contact records; the process begins on the home page. On the homepage, go to New Contact on the Ribbon menu.
The Contact (new) edit form opens. Begin entering the new Contact's name in the fields provided. When you tab out of the Last name field, the system automatically checks for any existing contacts with the last name provided and open the Checking for Duplicates window. If the contact already exists, simply double click on the listed contact to open their edit form.
If you see the person you want to add already listed, you can double click it to go to his or her Contact edit form. If your new contact is not listed, click the X in the upper right corner to close the window and continue filling out the New Contact form. Enter or edit data as needed. Note that when granting a new or existing Contact review access, you must:. Select the External Reviewer Access check-box. Enter a valid email address. Note that this email address must be unique among Contacts' email addresses in your Blackbaud Grantmaking system.
Save the new or updated Contact record. The next time you add a Review for that Contacts, Blackbaud Grantmaking sends an email with login information to the Contact; he or she may then log in to Blackbaud Grantmaking and complete reviews. The External Reviewers' Interface After you grant Review access to an outside reviewer, he or she is able to review proposals using Blackbaud Grantmaking. Their access is limited to those proposals you've asked they review.
The section describes the interface external reviewers use when they log in to Blackbaud Grantmaking. Request Details for External Reviewers External reviewers have access to a different Request edit form than other Blackbaud Grantmaking users. Some details are hidden, and the page doesn't have links allowing the user to drill down to other records. The Reviewers - Stages are where Blackbaud Grantmaking indicates the questions to be answered. A Review Stage is a set of preferences defining the properties of Review records created under it. For each Stage, you can customize the Review properties and specify the kinds of feedback you want from reviewers. This works in tandem with the Reviewers Forms where Blackbaud Grantmaking provides the space for the answers to those questions.
Procedural Note:The Reviewers-Stage section must be completed before creating a New Form in the Forms Library. To add a Reviewers - Stage: From the Admin ribbon menu - select Reviews Review Stage Setup From the Actions ribbon menu - select Add Review Stage Stage. Name – this is the internal tile for you to help keep track of this stage. Reviewers are invited – if the box is unchecked, it is assumed the reviewer completes the review and they do not have the option to decline - checking this box sends the reviewer an invitation to review, giving them the option to accept or decline. Sandals Platform Women Leather MAC Bling Toe 2 Heeled Glamorous for Red Slippers Peep U Beach Summer Reviewers are notified in sequence – if the box is unchecked, all assigned reviewers are notified simultaneously – checking this box allows the reviewers to be notified in a pre-defined sequence. On Approved as well as Pending Requests – if the box is unchecked the sequence continues ONLY if the request is still Pending – if the box is checked the review sequence continues even if the request becomes approved.
Sandals Beach Summer U Glamorous Slippers for Toe Women Red Platform Peep MAC 2 Bling Heeled Leather Sequence continues regardless of decision – if the box is unchecked the sequence stops on the first “ No” response and the next reviewers in line is not assigned to review – if the box is checked the sequence continues regardless of “ Yes/No” responses. Prior Stage – Select from the drop-down menu a different stage that already exists and when that stage is completed the current stage is sent automatically to that reviewer. Preferences. Requests must have a Recommended Amount – Select this check box if you want proposal owners to enter a Recommended Amount in Requests before they can add Reviews of this Stage to the Requests. They are unable to save a Review of this stage until they enter a Recommended Amount.
Update Recommended Amount with Suggested Amount – NOTE: Suggested Amount must be enabled on the Feedback tab for this option to be enabled. With this box checked Suggested Amounts entered by reviewers replace the current Recommended Amount in the Request Record. Feedback TIP!: The fields selected here in the feedback form must be used in the Forms Library In the Feedback tab, specify all the types of feedback you want from reviewers who participate in this stage of the review process. The options you select here are included in Review records created for this Stage. Options you don’t select do not appear in the review. Yes/No – Select this check box if you want reviewers to provide a simple Yes/No recommendation on the proposal.
Review in a sequence must answer yes or no to a Review before the sequence can continue. Suggested Amount - Select this check box if you want reviewers to recommend an amount to be granted for the proposal. MAC Slippers for U Toe Heeled Glamorous Leather Platform Women Summer Sandals Bling Red 2 Peep Beach Letter Grade – Select this check box if you want reviewers to provide letter grades representing their opinions of the proposal (e.g., A+, Excellent).
Numeric Grade – Select this check box if you want reviewers to provide a number grade representing their opinions of the proposal. Response Code – Select this check box if you want reviewers to choose a response code for the proposal from a drop-down menu. Note that Response Codes are user-defined.
You can’t designate this feedback option until you have added codes to the Review Response Code Classifications table. Response Summary (short) – Select this check box if you want reviewers to enter a brief opinion of the proposal. Entries in this field are limited to 255 characters. Response Notes (long) – Select this check box if you want reviewers to enter a longer opinion of the proposal. Entries in this field are limited to 64,000 characters.
Note that the long notes for the stage can take one of two forms: free-form, or a list of questions. If you select the Free-form radio button, reviewers are given a blank field in which to record their opinion of the proposal. If you select the Specific Questions radio button, you can enter a number of questions. In turn, the reviewer is allowed to provide a free-form answer for each question. A grid displays your questions in the order in which they appear to your reviewers. Notifications The Notifications section allows you to determine which email templates are used to automatically communicate with your reviewers.
The email templates available for use are edited in the Document Template Manager, under the Reviews section. Invited Review (Batch) Template: If you have selected the “Reviewers are invited” checkbox under the “Stage” section, this template is used when assigning Reviews in batch. Invited Review (Single) Template: If you have selected the “Reviewers are invited” checkbox under the “Stage” section, this template is used when assigning a single Review. Sequential Review (Batch) Template: If you have selected the “Reviewers are notified in sequence” checkbox under the “Stage” section, this template is used when assigning Reviews in Batch. Sequential Review (Single) Template: If you have selected the “Reviewers are notified in sequence” checkbox under the “Stage” section, this template is used when assigning a single Review. Review (Batch) Template: If you have selected neither “Reviews are invited” nor “Reviewers are notified in sequence,” this template is used when assigning Reviews in Batch.
Review (Single) Template: If you have selected neither “Reviews are invited” nor “Reviewers are notified in sequence,” this template is used when assigning a single Review. Password Template: This template is used to notify new reviewers that their account has been created. It is used for all Reviewers who do not yet have an account, regardless of the other options selected. The Forms Library - Create a New Form.
This form provides the space to answer the questions set up by the Reviewers - Stages section. NOTE: This section is optional and is only available with the installed. To add this module, please contact your sales representative. Procedural Note: The Reviewers-Stage section must be completed before creating a New Review Form in the Forms Library. Forms Library This tool is launched from the Admin Blueprint ribbon menu item. After selecting Blueprint, select Forms Library from the pop-up menu displayed to open the Forms Library.
Select a Record Type from the list on the left panel. Create a New Form:. In the Actions ribbon menu, select New Form. Enter a name for your form. Select a Record Type from the drop-down menu NOTE: The type of record selected changes the next steps needed - Organizations, Contacts, Payments, Requirements, Documents, Activities, Affiliations.
Select - Based on - from the drop-down menu. This lets you pick an existing form to copy and start from. Most Record Types selected display the three main fields in the New Form. Name. Record Type. Based On Selecting Requests for the Record Type requires you to choose a Request Type. This is set to All or a specific type such as Cash Grant, In-Kind, or Matching Gift.
Selecting Reviews for the Record Type requires you to choose a Review Stage. This is set to All or a specific stage. Toe Heeled Beach Women Slippers Sandals U Summer 2 Leather Peep for Glamorous Bling MAC Red Platform Creating a Review Form NOTE: Review Stages must be set up before creating Review forms. See Review Stage Setup for more details.
► You can add the following fields on a Review form but they only appear after the Review is Submitted, not while In Progress. (Status, Status Date, Sent Date, and Received Date). Go to Admin Blueprint Forms Library. Select Actions New Form. Fill in the New Form.
Name - enter a name for the Review form. Record Type - select Reviews from the drop-down. Review Stage - select from the drop-down menu NOTE: This should have been created in the Reviewers - Stages section first. Based on - select from the drop-down menu. Select OK Summer 2 Red Leather Sandals Bling Heeled U for Platform Beach Women Glamorous Slippers Toe MAC Peep. If the System Default form is selected in the Based on field, the new form is created with the following sections and fields: Review, Request, Feedback.
NOTE: Whatever fields were selected in the review stage should be included in the review form. Customize this form by using the columns on the left and right hand side: ADD FIELDS and SECTIONS. Example: Required Setting. Select Override and choose an option from the drop-down menu: Required = Field is required and must be filled in by the Reviewer U Glamorous Summer Toe Slippers Heeled for Peep Bling MAC Women Platform Sandals 2 Red Leather Beach Women for Glamorous Red Slippers Peep Beach MAC Summer U Sandals Leather 2 Bling Toe Heeled Platform Optional = Field is optional Required on Submit = Field must be filled in by the Reviewer before submitting a Review.
Select - Save. From the Actions ribbon menu - select Activate. At the confirmation pop-up, select Yes. Requests. Request Type - select from the drop-down menu.
Based on - select from the drop-down menu. Select OK.
The Manage Committees section allows you to be able to create Committees made up of Contacts to allow them to easily assign a group of Reviewers to a Request. To manage committees From the Admin ribbon menu - select Reviews Manage Committees The Committees page opens and display all existing committees. ID: The system ID number assigned to the committee.
Name: The name of the committee. Members: The number of members in the committee. Last Update: The date on which the committee was last updated. All columns except Members are sorted.
To create a new committee. Select Actions New Committee. Enter a Name for the committee.
In the Reviewers section click the Add link to open the Select Reviewer form. In the Select Reviewer form, enter any of the data types noted at the top to search for. Notice the Include Inactive box is checked if you want to include inactive Contacts.
Only one reviewer is added to the list at a time. Once more than one reviewer has been added to the list, you have the option to select one and move him/her up or down the list as needed.
NOTE: If the committee is assigned to a sequential review, the reviews are conducted in the order of the members listed. If the Available flag is unchecked, that committee member is not included in the review. Save & Close when all reviewers have been added.
NOTE: The Online Applications and Review Modules must both be enabled to take advantage of this functionality. The feature that allowed clients to create ‘rules’ for automatically assigning Reviews for applications that come in through Online Applications consider process can now be managed by clients in Blackbaud Grantmaking. The Review Rules are created through the Admin Reviews Online Applications: Review Rules menu option. The Review Rules page displays all existing Review Rules. To add a new rule.
Select the Add Review Rule option in the Actions menu. Enter a Rule Name. NOTE: Once a Rule Name is entered, a caution icon appears to let the user know that after saving the new rule, they need to assign the rule to one or more application forms in the Forms Manager. Decide if rule is Inactive or not.
Select a Stage. Depending on the Stage selected the user can enter an Acceptance Date, Due Date, or both. In the Criteria field, click Edit and select the necessary criteria for the rule to take effect.
In the Reviewers section, click Manage Reviewers to add reviewers for the rule. Notice committees as well as individuals are added. Save & Close when done. Once the Review Rules are created, they must be assigned to application forms through the Launch Applications Forms Manager menu option.
In the Forms Manager, a form must be selected and then the user is able to select the Actions Apply Review Rule menu option. Select the rule(s) to apply to the application form and select OK to save.
More than one rule is assigned to a single application form. Associating Saved Searches to Views You are able to associate a Saved Search to a View. The option is available in the Save View dialog.
When a Saved Search is associated with a View, when that View is applied the search is executed. The search filters apply when the View is used as a Merge field in correspondence. Red Summer Platform Slippers for Beach Heeled Leather Bling Women Sandals 2 Peep Toe MAC U Glamorous. fabric-and-synthetic. PERFECT FIT WESTERN STYLE: TPR Rubber sole, Synthetic Non-skid Sole, EVA outsole. Womens Microfiber Block Chunky Heels Wedding Prom Dress Heeled Sandals.
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