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We live under the umbrella of an intricate and fascinating web of infrastructure that enables every aspect of modern technology. But how often do we really look at it? I’ve been intrigued by utility poles for years, and I’ve picked up a thing or two that I’d like to share. Bear in mind these are just my observations from the ground in my area; I’m sure utility professionals will have better information, and regional practices will no doubt lead to very different equipment arrangements.

But here’s a little of what I’ve picked up over my years as a pole geek. Space Management Spaces on a typical joint pole. Source: Very few utility poles are used for just one utility. Poles that house multiple services, like power, telephone, and cable, are called joint poles and are covered by strict safety rules that separate the utilities spatially. In general, the most dangerous things on a utility pole are at the top. That makes sense – get the scary stuff as far away from the humans as possible. This is known as the supply space, and it’s where you’ll find both the primary lines, which distribute high voltage, and the secondary circuits, which have been stepped down by distribution transformers.

If there are streetlights or traffic signals attached to a pole, this is where they’ll live. The space closest to the ground is reserved for the low-voltage utilities and is called the communications space. Telephone is usually the lowest on the pole, with cable TV right above it. Telephone lines are generally thick cables and usually have junction boxes on one or both sides of the pole. Cable lines are generally thinner, usually silver or light-colored, and have distinctive D-shaped expansion loops next to each pole. They often have inline equipment like amplifiers; those are easy to spot by the obvious heatsinks on the enclosures.

It’s worth noting that sometimes cable lines are at the bottom of the communications space rather than telephone, at least in my area. In some cities there are still dedicated wires for fire and police signaling, like fire pull boxes and police patrolman’s call boxes. Businesses used to have dedicated lines for burglar alarms that went right to the local precinct house, but those days are gone and their space on joint poles has largely been reclaimed. You might find optical fiber cables in the communications space as well, if your local providers are using fiber as a backbone, or if you’re lucky enough to live where fiber directly connects to customers.

Between the supply space and the communication space is the neutral space or safety zone space. It’s an area reserved for telco and cable workers to safely perform maintenance and make connections to their service. In the US it’s a minimum of 40″ at the pole – that’s not much, so the communications workers still need to be careful up there. There’s one more really important circuit on every pole – the ground circuit.

Tied into the supply neutral and extending from the bottom of the supply space to a rod driven into the ground next to the pole, the ground circuit provides a potentially lifesaving path to the earth for any stray current. High Tension Up in the supply space is where things get interesting.

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That’s where the primary and secondary wiring lives, along with all the safety and distribution equipment. Near the top of a typical pole you’ll often see one or more crossarms, which are stout wooden timbers bolted to the pole and braced diagonally. These act as spreaders to keep the wires of the primary circuits separated.

Power is distributed from substations at anywhere from 7,200 volts to 34,500 volts. You can get a general idea of how high the voltage is by looking at the insulators used – the longer the insulator, the higher the voltage. Pole-mounted fuse cutout The crossarm will have anywhere from two to four wires on it, depending on how many phases are being distributed. Power companies generate electricity in three phases 120° apart, which gives them many options for connecting secondary and distribution equipment. German programming-friendly keyboard layout for mac.


Three-phase distribution requires four wires, one for each phase and a neutral. If you see three wires on a crossarm and one wire on the pole in the supply space, you’ll know you’re looking at a three-phase circuit. Poles in some rural areas like mine don’t have crossarms and only have a single conductor on an insulator at the very top of the pole along with the neutral. In this case a single phase is being distributed. The supply space is also where power companies put their safety gear. To protect against short circuits, cutout fuses are often installed between distribution lines and secondary equipment, like transformers. Cutouts are easy to spot – they’re wide insulators with a light-colored tube running between contacts.

The tube contains a fuse with an explosive charge that kicks the cutout open quickly and dramatically. The dangling fuse body can be removed and replaced with a hot stick, although sometimes there’s still a line fault when the cutout is reconnected: Recloser. Source – Some circuits have reclosers instead of cutouts. Reclosers are basically automatically resetting circuit breakers that look a little like small transformers. They’re used in circuits that see a lot of nuisance trips due to foliage or animal activity, opening when a fault is detected and reclosing after a time delay, on the assumption that the short-circuit has cleared. They’ll try to reconnect several times before giving up. Lineman replacing a lightning-damaged transformer.

Secondary equipment in the supply space is dominated by transformers. Usually in the form of a large gray barrel, transformers step the primary voltage down to secondary voltages suitable for end customers. Residential customers in North America generally get a 240/120 volt service, with two 120 volt circuits relative to neutral.

Service drops from the transformer to residences (one transformer usually services multiple customers) is often in the form of triplex cable, with two insulated conductors wrapped around a bare center conductor. The bare wire serves as both neutral conductor and physically supports the two 120 volt conductors. Commercial customers often benefit from three-phase service, in which case you might see three transformers mounted on a pole, one for each phase. People Power There’s another very important part of the power system that you’ll occasionally see on a pole – the lineworkers. As I write this, a bizarre winter storm is raging outside.

It was 10 below zero yesterday with snow, and now it’s 50 degrees with heavy rain and wind. It’s weather that’s tailor made for tearing apart infrastructure, and I know there’s a good chance that a tree limb will come down somewhere and tear down wires. When it happens, lineworkers need to get out there and fix it.

If you want a taste for what it takes to be a lineworker, check out from the. It’s both physically and mentally demanding work, and the fact that these men and women will be out cleaning up the mess created by this storm tonight is comforting. And let’s not forget the guys even further behind the scenes – the circuit managers. We had a cutout near our house that was regularly blowing and knocking us offline. I complained to the utility company, and to my complete surprise I got a call from a very nice gentleman who was very upset that one of his circuits was causing trouble. He promised action, and within a few days a tree crew was out removing hazards from the area. We haven’t had a problem since then, and I was really impressed by the level of craftsmanship exhibited by this guy.

He took it seriously – personally, even. I really didn’t expect that from what I’d always assumed was a faceless corporate monopoly.

The point is, real people built the grid, and real people keep it alive for the benefit of everyone. So every once in a while, it’s not a bad idea to spend a little time looking up and admiring the handiwork that we so often take for granted. Posted in, Tagged, Post navigation. That is not strictly true. The fuse is held in position by sprung mechanism that is retrained by the fuse. The fuse element itself is designed to break the fault current.

Once the fuse has blown the spring is not restrained and the fuse drops outs so that an operator can see the fuse has operated. If the fuse were to be swung open at the exact time the fault occurred. A large arc would be drawn between the contacts.

Which potentially could go phase to phase at the top of the pole basically detroying the equipment up there and tripping the next layer of protection back. In the uk it is unusual you would find an operator closing a fuse onto a suspect fault because fuses have a lower fault making ability compared to circuit breakers, so it is usually safer to reenergise via other means. Tbh, it was supposed to be a reply to the other post you replied too. Yes they are called shotgun fuses. Because you guessed it.

They sound like a shotgun going off However, the point I was making in my post was the fuse dropping out does nothing to break the fault current. The fuse element does that within the fuse carrier. I don’t know what fuse carriers you have used, however all the ones I have ever used,( which look very similar to the one in the video) the spring does not force the carrier out of the holder. It mearly frees it from its locking mechanism. Allowing gravity to pull it out. Which in the grand scheme of things is really slow.

Metal Pole Png Pole Light Home Design Software For Mac Download

And yes a large ball of ionised gas at the top of pole could lead to phase to phase fault. Especially when your staging has failed because the fuse has Been withdrawn before the element has had time to operate. The noise is the hot air meeting the relatively cool air when the fuse burns up (think lightning). If the fuse were not contained in a barrel there would be no noise (think gun barrel). The shorter sticks used to close them out of a bucket or on the pole are called “shotgun sticks”.

The fuses are called, fuses. The spring allows the barrel to drop down by releasing when the fuse burns up. If not the barrel would stay in the closed position when the fuse blew.

It drives me nuts when newscasters talk about all the “transformers blowing”yeah just revealed your ignorance. John, I have to disagree with you on the phase to phase not happening when one fuse blows. I witnessed the very thing one night on a single phase dip that was out. We installed fault indicators on the underground loop and gave the fuse “a drink.” The pole was framed with a 3 phase crowfoot fiberglass bracket which put the three phases of 13.8 fairly close together.

A friend of mine had warned me about this very same dip as he had been there before. When the fuse blew there was a calm second and then the prettiest cross phase and sweet ball of aquamarine blue fire that ran two spans before going out when the phases spread to crossarm construction. The way the cutout was hung would let the ionized hot air from the blown fuse rise up through the phases and thus the AIR became Conductive. We reframed the pole and No Problem since. A couple of years ago pin flags and grass paint showed up in our front yard.

Then a notice was taped to our front door that utility work would soon commence. A day or two later a truck towing a trailer with a small backhoe arrived and they proceeded to dig near the epicenter of the pinflags. I arrived after the hole had been dug and chatted with the workers.

IIRC, the conversation went like this Get off my lawn! Seriously, they explained that they were fixing a defect.

They had rerouted our neighborhood feed through an alternative set of cables to allow them to work on that section. They found a small hole 6mm in diameter burned through the insulation of a 25mm cable.

Lightning damage they surmised. They were able to localize the defect using a ”thumper” as marked by the herd of pinflags. They replaced about a 3 decimeter section of the cable (only single phase in my neighborhood) and refilled the hole.

I watched them reconnect the main feed at the utility boxes (using the long stick) over in my neighbor’s yard. The next day sod was placed over the patch in the yard and I had to water it for the few weeks. They said the lightning that damaged it could have been quite a distance away.

Although there is a flagpole about 2 meters away. Do a part 2 on all the weird stuff that gets attached to the lines! There’s a bunch of things I’ve noticed and wondered about.

Sheet metal squares, folded diagonally, hanging over wires (best guess: they make water drip off more easily). Thick wires twisted around the distribution lines (best guess: they inductively steal a little power to get warm and prevent icing). Weird little boxes hanging from the power line, tapped into the line a couple feet away on either side (best guess: line monitoring device, powered by the tiny voltage drop across those few feet, possibly communicating home over the power line). Funny knobby things attached near the insulators (TIL: stockbridge dampers).

The metal double-triangles hanging on the line are vibration dampers, to reduce fatigue on the lines from high winds (and prevent wires from touching as they bounce around). There are also giant orange balls (and sometimes neon tubes) that double as visible warnings for aircraft. The knobby things may be to prevent birds from landing where they will get electrocuted, hard to tell without more details. Personally, I found it astounding to see a water truck spraying the insulators to clean them. It was de-ionized water, but still makes me cringe. Andy, I had a similar thought. But then I did 5 minutes of G-search (research by Googling).

I think you should start with a search for “shunt reactors”. The ABB ones that come up near the top of my search look quite familiar from substation yards, and are rated in the 800kW range. The Eaton power factor correction capacitor banks that come up (similar searching) are rated in the 1-4kW range.

This would suggest that Dan is more likely correct and what I suspected: the high power rating of shunt reactors indicate they are used for major substation work (long high voltage lines), and the lower rating indicate that cap banks are for correction in more local settings: e.g. Heavily industrial areas with a lot of motors running. There will no doubt be exceptions in this, but it looks like Dan had it right, and you were correct but in a different application. If I missed something, please comment. I was unaware that power factor was an issue on transmission lines. However I understand it’s an issue on the secondary side of things.

In the oilfield all the power lines are constructed owned and maintained by the oil company. Because the load is mostly electriv motors capacitors are used to balance the inductive reactance. That is an issue for farmers that irrigate as well using electric motors to power the pumps. Seem to be a service charge issue. Customer who down resolve the power factor on there side have the bill adjusted according to the power factor.

Power factor, apparent power, real power can be difficult to wrap one’s mind around and easily forgotten after one does so. My power bill has a line for the power factor, but because I’m the typical residential load there is no entry on that line.Yet scammers make money selling people power factor correcting devices to reduce their electrical bill. That’s an interesting read, thanks! I’ve been idly comparing it with what we have on our poles here in the UK.

Here we have relatively few shared poles, on the whole telephones and power each have their own. Cable telly is normally underground.

Our high voltage at the neighbourhood level is usually 11kV delta-connected three-phase and has its own poles, it never shares with our 240v domestic supply. We don’t have 3-phase in our houses. In my part of the UK, they seem to have spent a lot of time over the last decade replacing copper overhead 240v cable with insulated aluminium. It’s certainly cut down the power cuts from tree branches.

If we have shotgun fuses I’ve never encountered one, instead we have more conventional fuses in ceramic holders at the top of some poles. All of which is probably more boring than what you’d find on an American street. “Shotgun fuses” (I’ve only heard them called “explusion fuses”, but whatever) are necessary for high voltages but not for 240 or even 480v. The need arises from arcing – if you blow a fuse on the 50KV side, current will arc through the plasma from a blown fuse, and the current will continue to flow as the air ionizes. An expulsion fuse uses the charge to blow out the arc – literally blowing hot gasses through it to break it up. Ours have boric acid in them, so when they pop at night you get what will be reported as “green lightning”. And a nice, throaty “ka-boom”.

They do have shotgun fuses in the UK but nowhere near as many as the US. The US distribute MV and the LV circuits are very small (about 100 metres maximum) In the UK the LV distribution can be one km or even more in rural areas so you don’t see the MV as much plus we have a lot more MV underground than most places apart from Scandinavia. Shotgun fuses are not used on LV. All UK supplies can be three phase, I have three phase in my house. The reason that you don’t see as much three phase in the UK is that the network will deliver much more power on single phase than most other places in the world.

A normal UK domestic LV supply will deliver 100 amps at 230 volts, that compares to three phase at around 16 amps for europe The power utility do not share the poles with comms either. This was discussed a while ago but it was generally thought to be a bad idea because the comms companies generally do not have the understanding that the power companies do. If you take a sample of say 100 poles in the UK and measure how vertical they are they will all be within a few degrees but in the US (and other places) they come out at all sorts of angles and that is because the rules are generally ignored if you add stuff after initial design. I think that the legislation for comms companies to use utility poles is in place but the utility have to do the work and that is way too expensive for the comms companies due to the safety aspect. It’s pretty rare to see electricity or even telephones above ground in urban areas of the UK, at least where I am. (Excepting, of course, the huge pylons for long-distance high voltage runs).

Some older areas have phones above ground, can’t think of anywhere locally with power above ground to the building, though I imagine it’s more common in the sticks? Seems a lot safer and less prone to damage from trees etc. – can’t remember when we last had a power cut. Why isn’t this standard in the US? Sometimes they use those not only as animal deterrents, but also to shore up damaged poles that are in danger of breaking. I’ve seen numerous poles with very obvious splitting get bandaged like this. One time the utility pole in front of my old work was hit by a school bus, the utility company brought in a truck to sink a second pole, and strapped the old pole to it as a temporary fix until a couple days later they moved the high voltage supply to the new pole, and informed the low voltage utilities to move their stuff within a week, as the remnants were going to be removed.

When I was a kid we lived on the coast, and there was regular outages when there was windy conditions. It was caused by sea salt buildup on the insulators, and I recall we used to go out and watch the spectacular arcing this lead to. They used remotely operated automatic fuses, and they would turn on after 30 seconds, then wait for 5 minutes, and then 30 minutes if it tripped a 3rd time.

This was public knowledge so people would not go near downed wires etc, but where I lived it eventually ended up setting a substation on fire, leaving us with no power for 2 weeks:P. Buried is more expensive, more difficult to repair, in some ways easier to accidentally hit, and experiences slightly higher losses due to the greater proximity to mass, so it tends to only get used over here for high density (New York City used to use poles: you should go look for some pictures), or if the customer pays extra. I don’t know if there’s a rate-hike for underground service.

As for appearance, a lot of older towns that haven’t been redeveloped run theirs through alleys: after a year of experience, I’ve decided that residential streets should be required to look semi-industrial, with all the nice cushy stuff in the backyard (and as little front-yard as is safe), that way all the nice cushy stuff won’t be CONSTANTLY causing problems for the utilities for the entire freaking town. The utility companies don’t prompt your neighbors to sue you every time your pet vines and trees kill the neighborhood’s utility services, so don’t let your pet vines and trees anywhere near the utility easements (or rights-of-way, or whatever else it is in the half of town that you live in). That’s not true necessarily. Underground faults still occur regularly in older neighborhoods (before 1980). I have gotten outages at least once a year, all UG faults ( except for one nearby, which I ended up reporting before power went out). The US also has a true grid on MV lines, meaning the power company just flips a switch or two and the power’s back up (ok, more complicated than that but you get what I mean). And plus, in idaho we have some of the cheapest power in the world thanks to overhead lines and renewable energy.

Here in remote rural Australia we have a significant number of utility poles with a.single. wire For runs of several tens of kilometres and a sparse number of users (in the order of 10 or less), the utility runs a single 11KV line.

At each residence a transformer is connected between the 11KV and ground to give 240volts. I don’t know if the transformers are auto-tapping or of the ferro-resonant variety, but surprisingly there doesn’t seem to be much of an issue with voltage fluctuation, even when you (or a neighbour) is welding.

I’ve also seen distribution lines of a.single. conductor (again 11KV) running off the main line to service single residence farms “nearby” to small towns. In my experience this was done at the farm owners expense, and the cost was usually in the order of 10 thousand dollars per kilometre (1980’s price).

In my situation the toss up between off-grid (solar + batteries or diesel generator + 10 years fuel) and grid-connect was a big question. It ended up being very close to the same price (about $30K), but perceived reliability and ability to handle large surge loads selected grid-connect. 30 years later the now owner is still paying not only for electricity, but also “distribution fees” (despite the fact the poles & wires were.not. paid for by the utility company). It is a bug-bear in rural Australia where utility companies are now charging very high (unreasonably high?) “service fees” for infrastructure that the land owner had to originally pay for.

In a lot of cases the fee is still applied regardless of electricity usage: even if you disconnect, you are still slugged a ‘service fee’. Of that I am not too sure. Replacement would likely be poles only (they were all wood back in ’80 – now quite a few are concrete). Wires would not need replacing, and surprisingly I’ve not ever seen a broken insulator. Either they are as-tough-as, or broken ones are replaced so fast. Most designs seem to be somewhat redundant so the loss of an insulator means the adjacent poles support the wire (now hanging down quite a bit more than usual), the wire drops onto the crossbar, or the internal structure (metal??

Skeleton) of the insulator still holds the wire. The pole/crossbar being wood or concrete is not terribly conductive, at least when dry! No immediate fault, no ’emergency’ callout. I don’t think I’ve.ever.

seen a metal post used for power distribution, although I have seen metal poles used for telephone alongside railway tracks. Mind you, this is something.long. gone, but sometimes you can spot a lonely pole with insulators on it.

On your question, I’d have to dig up someone who has had the (probably unpleasant) experience to give you an accurate answer. I moved from the Netherlands, where there are no overhead lines at all, to semi-rural Queensland and was a bit shocked about the electrical standards here (and how much they charge for it all). We are responsible for the maintenance from the first pole on our property; when you apply for a connection the power company will charge you for installing the transformer and the bit of wire from the road to the first pole (and they will maintain that too, for which you pay handsomely every 3 months) but any faults past that point are the property owners problem. We had a wire break just behind the pole and had to find a contractor to fix it, Energex wouldn’t help (they did show up with a truck to cut the power but that was about it). Interesting enough they’ve recently changed all the cross-bars on the street poles from timber to galvanized steel, Guess that’s to improve the fireworks when an insulator fails? Of course Australian 230V/50Hz is much more dangerous than the same voltage in Europe, you need an electrical trades licence or you can’t legally do as much as put a new plug on an extension cord (no matter what your other electrical qualifications may be).

Sometimes wood is the best material for the job. My brother-in-law’s company makes railroad ties, mostly out of white oak. I asked him why we still use wood – why not concrete or recycled tires or something. He said wood is still the best material – cheapest, strongest, lightest, and most flexible. And when properly treated and installed it lasts a long time.

Same with poles – pressure treated Southern Yellow Pine is incredibly strong, flexible enough to sway in the wind, and has the distinct benefit of being able to be climbed with gaffs. Try that on a concrete or steel pole! A few other interesting widgets that you find around distribution poles are: 1. These serve the same purpose as a transient voltage suppression diode. There always installed near sensitive equipment like transformers. When the voltage exceeds a certain level (i.e. Lightning) current is shunted away from whatever equipment the arrester is connected to.

You can identify an arrester on a service transformer because it will always be installed in parallel with the primary busing. These are always used in conjunction with some type of upstream recloser. Line sectionalizers, count recloser open intervals and open after a set number of intervals. In a sense, they help locate faults because they’ll always open just before the last one or two upstream reclose intervals. That way, the unfaulted circuit remains energized and the faulted portion is de-energized.

These are somewhat hard to spot because, depending on the type they can look like transformers or they can look like reclosers. One way to tell is that service transformers and reclosers often have a rating (i.e. 50kVA for transformers, 70A, 100A for reclosers), but a sectionalizer is really marked that way. These also help locate faults. They are unique because the newer ones actually couple power from the line. When the coupled current exceeds the rated value of the FCI, a flag appears or some lights start blinking to show that a fault occured downstream. While not installed on the poles, they often appear near poles and look like black pucks.

Since distribution circuits are radial (current only flows one direction), these devices sometimes require that you know where the substation is to find a fault. While this thread is old in relation to this current post, in case others find this in the future, I feel I should elaborate on the cable TV aspect of this post. I was a employed as a communication engineer for several years for Mastec, and can shed some “light” on this particular aspect.

First of all, the copper ground wires running from the top of the pole to the bottom are called “vertical grounds” with bonds to the neutral cable for a power company’s infrastructure, or to the “strand”(physical supporting cable) in the cable company’s infrastructure. These “verticals” are terminated to the “ground rod” driven into the surface at the bottom, which are supposed to be 6 to 8 feet long. In experience, I have found that many are shorter being due to the fact that the ground rod bottomed out on a rock layer under the surface while being driven, and were sometimes cut off with a saw to save expenditure of time and/or energy(outside of regulation). It is true that the vertical grounds have often been removed by copper thieves.

The cable between locations(poles) is produced in two types: self-supporting, and lashed. Self-supporting cable has the aluminum co-axial cable extruded at the factory with a bonded strand in the same jacket, while lashed cable has a strand cable for support, with the naked co-axial cable being hung below the strand with the two having been lashed together with “lashing wire”(like thin bailing wire) which wraps around both cables using an impressive mechanical device called a “lasher”. This “lasher” uses a mechanism similar to one that would be used to twist rope in production. The same two scenarios apply to telephone infrastructure as well, both copper and fiber.

The coaxial cable for cable TV not only carries the forward and reverse communications for TV and internet, but also a 60 Hz(in the US) power feed between 60 to 90 volts. This applies in all cases except for end-of-line feeds where no further active component requires power, or further active devices are powered from another power feed from the other direction for the further active devices down the line.

The power is fed into the coax in-line with a power inserter, and the power supplies that feed them are typically battery backed up, and are similar to a typical UPS, except they are much larger and only provide the previously mentioned 60-90 volts. These power supplies can be seen as the large(usually green in color) metal enclosures mounted to the side of a typical pole. I live on an old southern road. As the years have gone by I nor my neighbors paid too much attention to the cell tower that was installed on the yard of a commercial trucking company. It set back behind the trucks and building of the private company. The utility poles became burdened with heavy cables that after years hung low enough to touch.

I complained about in front of my property referencing the Virginia Code and the lines in front of my house were adjusted to code height. The cable company did not adjust the swagging cable wires on the rest of the street. The cell tower is owned by a company for profit, but not a major cable or communication company. Originating from the cell tower are the heavy cable lines that run for a mile on utility poles that were installed for less weight. They run about a mile down the road into an under ground box. A well known cell and cable company rents the utility poles from the local electric company. Question – Is there some helpful site that will answer questions about a fenced cell tower contained within a a fenced private business and possibility an underground utility box a mile down the street appears to be support equipment for the cell tower.

If the box is support equipment the issue of the cell tower and underground utility box can be combined in a complaint. Those cable lines that run from the cell tower to the underground cable box have multiple, too many, amplifiers attached. Between poles.

Seems like when ever they add cable to a house they add an amplifier. I am assuming it is an amplifier based on my search of utility poles configuration.

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– Can be installed directly over existing shingles and delivers energy-saving Above Sheathing Ventilation (ASV), making the system a terrific choice for both commercial and residential projects. – These feature a symmetrical 238T standing seam panel and are than single-ply recover. – We offer retrofit assemblies that are easy to erect and are a great way to convert worn out flat roofs into functional and highly attractive steep slope roofs. Our retrofit systems offer customers and building owners viable and cost effective solutions for worn out existing roofs. McElroy Metal’s experience technical staff is available to help customize retrofit solutions, so give us a call. We are always happy to help develop creative and functional solutions with metal! Concealed Fastener Wall Panels Concealed fastener wall panels deliver an unbeatable mix of form and function.

They are used in many applications, and are equally well-suited for commercial and architectural projects. Our concealed faster wall panel offerings include:. – Serves as a concealed fastener wall panel with a bold profile ideal for industrial and commercial applications.

– For projects where a textured wall design is needed without visible fasteners, our Wave Panel concealed fastener wall panel is ideal. The Wave Panel can be installed horizontally using hidden clips and fasteners to deliver an aesthetically pleasing appearance. In many cases, finding the right concealed fastener wall panels for a project can be challenging. Fortunately, at McElroy Metal, we're here to help you find exactly what you need so you can complete any concealed fastener wall panel project quickly and effortlessly. Soffit Panels Soffit panels are commonly installed on the underside of the roof eaves and exterior porch ceilings.

As such, they serve an important purpose, and only the best soffit panels will suffice for a project. McElroy Metal manufactures many soffit panels, including:. – Offers a 1 1/2' deep flush metal panel and is available in a number of panel configurations.

It can be used for both horizontal and vertical applications. – Designed to streamline the building process, our Marquee family of products will complement McElroy Metal roof and wall panels beautifully. – Available in a variety of Kynar 500 colors, our Matrix soffit system will enable you to add a touch of sophistication and luxury to a commercial or residential project. Soffit panels can make a world of difference, and we'll help you discover the benefits of McElroy Metal soffit panels for any project, at any time. Canopy Panels For canopy installations such as convenience stores or drive-thru banks, is an ideal deluxe option solution because it's designed to meet the needs of canopy installations big and small. We offer a comprehensive slit coil and flat sheet program that provides quick lead-times in many areas around the country. Moreover, in many cases, our program provides less slit-coil drop.

Tile and Shingle Roofing Panels Searching for specialty roofing panels for a commercial or residential project? Choose McElroy Metal, and we'll be happy to help you find the ideal specialty roofing panels. Some of our roofing panels include:. – Resembles ceramic tile roofing, yet offers all of the advantages of a metal roof. It's lightweight and energy-efficient, and because it replicates tile, many people are surprised after they find out a Met-Tile roof actually consists of metal. – We offer eight Milan steel shingle Kynar 500 colors, along with Slate and Shake Kynar 500 Prints. That way, you can install specialty roofing panels that complement your personal style and allow you to revamp a building's appearance at the same time.

Also, we supply many custom options to meet the requirements of any build. To learn more about our custom options, please contact us today, and we'll be able to work with you to help you find the right roofing panels so you can complete your project on schedule. We supply cold-formed substructural components for many applications, including:. Ground-mount solar arrays. Mansard framing. Metal building framing.

Retrofit roofing McElroy Metal manufactures most any popular shape that is utilized in today’s construction market, including:. Cees. Zees. Channels. Eave struts.


Hats. Sub-girts. Angles Our substructural products provide unlimited design flexibility. They also ensure you won't have to sacrifice quality for style, as each of our products is manufactured from high-quality materials in many popular sizes. Curving Systems To meet the growing use of curves, McElroy Metal offers that are fabricated on the jobsite. This ensures we'll be able to provide you with a standing seam system that fits correctly, and you won't have to worry about the costs associated with transporting bulky finished panels to your project site.

We offer five types of curved roofing systems:. Maxima 1.5. Maxima ADV.

138T. 238T. Medallion I We also offer curving equipment for rent through Developmental Industries at.

For more information about pricing and details, please contact your McElroy representative. Our jobsite production equipment enables rollforming up to 200-foot-long panels directly on to a roof. This capability enables you to minimize the need for jobsite labor, as well as create continuous-length panels that improve weathertightness. The use of our jobsite production equipment also provides greater flexibility, guaranteeing you won't be forced to revamp your designs based on limited manufacturing or delivery capabilities. We offer onsite rollforming that is performed by our rollforming technicians.

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These professionals will bring rollforming equipment to your jobsite and complete all rollforming tasks. The following McElroy Profiles can be rollformed on a jobsite:. 138T. 238T. Maxima 2'. Maxima ADV In addition, we supply rollforming production systems that include rollformers with lifting platforms. These systems can be moved to the roof or eave with jobsite forklifts that a customer provides.

If you need jobsite production equipment from us, we'll reserve the equipment for your projected installation dates. We'll schedule that roll forming technician, your requested equipment and any materials are on-site as scheduled and will provide a detailed analysis of all applicable costs ahead of time. Therefore, you'll know exactly what to expect before we arrive. For additional details about our onsite rollforming offerings, please contact your McElroy representative. Insulated Metal Panels We manufacture insulated metal panels (IMPs) in partnership with Green Span Profiles, a McElroy Metal Joint Venture company. Our IMPs include walls in thicknesses that ranges from 2' to 6', along with a 238T symmetrical seam roof panel that is available in thicknesses from 2 1/2' to 5'. All of our panels are created using a poured-in-place manufacturing process that binds interior and exterior steel facings to a polyisocyanurate insulating foam core.

This process ensures our Green Span Profile panels offer a number of benefits, including:. Multiple unique wall panel profiles. Unparalleled spanning capability. Rigid feel.

Sleek, streamlined appearance. Fast, easy installation. Approximate R value of 8' per inch Green Span Profile IMPs will maintain their quality and appearance for years to come. Thus, you can use these IMPs for many commercial and industrial applications and reap the benefits of these panels year-after-year. Green Solutions Energy-saving technology offers an eco-friendly option for homeowners and business operators alike. As a result, many property owners are leading the push for green solutions that enable them to lower their energy consumption and save money in the foreseeable future. At McElroy Metal, we're driving the push for green solutions in commercial and residential applications.

We offer many products to support eco-conscious projects and are happy to collaborate with you to find green solutions to fulfill your needs, both now and in the future. To learn more about how we can support your eco-friendly project, please contact your McElroy representative. Take Advantage of Our Expansive Product Line McElroy is a third generation family-owned company with an ongoing commitment to innovation. We believe that business morals and ethics should play key roles in today's global marketplace, and we operate as a business that possesses a strong culture of values that extends beyond our products. In fact, our team is available to assist you in any way we can. Let us know if you have questions about our products. Or, if you need help with a project, we'll help you brainstorm solutions.

Regardless of your needs, we're here to support you and ensure you are fully satisfied with the assistance you receive. McElroy products are among some of the best on the market today, and have helped our clients meet or exceed their project expectations time and time again. Experience for yourself the 'McElroy Touch' by giving us a try – you'll be glad you did! To find out more about our vast array of products, please contact your McElroy representative today.

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