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Mugen 1.0 Screenpack 500 Slots

  1. Mugen Screenpacks 100 Slots
  2. Mugen 1.0 Screenpack
  3. Mugen 1.0 Screenpack 500 Slots Download

WARNING: This Screenpack only works with MUGEN version 1.1 set up with a 1280 x 720 resolution! This screenpack comes packaged with MUGEN 1.1. My labor is complete! At least, for now. I might come back some day and make it more exciting, as it's nothing particularly spectacular right now.

So here's what this is, I wanted to make a MUGEN build, that I called Generations, and I wanted it to be in HD. Or at least, in widescreen. But I also wanted a Category screenpack. And then I discovered that there are no HD Category screenpacks. At least, not that I can find. Eventually I said 'Screw it, I'm going to just learn how to make my own.' And then I spent the last three nights straight putting this together!

My first screenpack! I actually forgot to eat for the entire middle day. ^.^' I must say though, 1.1's PNG support sure makes things a whole lot easier.

I present this all to you, as I figure I'm probably not the only one who'd have interest in a screenpack such as this. Screenpack has 300 slots per category for up to 4800 character slots (one category is a hidden 'Secret' category). If aesthetic isn't a concern, there are two blank rows that can theoretically have characters placed in them too, as well as the Random row, for a total maximum amount of 5700 characters.

The Screenpack comes pre-installed onto 1.1 and includes 1 KFM in each category for quick testing of the Select Screen. The Select Screen is also numbered to keep track of the 300 slots in each category. Feel free to be remove either feature. Quick question, how do I change the categories? Because I want to rename some (namely KOF (0 characters), BlazBlue (5 characters) and others, can you teach me how?

Or better yet, I'll PM you so you get my ideas for renaming the categories The categories are actually one big background image. Changing them requires editing the image and replacing the picture in the SFF If you're familiar with GIMP and using Fighter Factory 3 to replace sprites in the system.sff file, I can give you the GIMP file to let you have a crack at it. If you'd rather though, I'd be more than happy to customize it for you instead.


Just shoot me a PM with what you want the categories to be. Edit: I forgot about the custom fonts I use.

Yeah, it's probably better to just PM me what you'd like the categories to be. Lol, i was going to ask about the categories 2, can i PM you the ones i need?:v Just a quick one, is there any way i can use Ctrl+F1/F2 for the opponent and not for me?

And also, how can i keep the same aspect? When i add my stages in the select thing, it's like full screen but same aspect as the old one.Kind of a noob here, sorry Does it have any 'perfect!' When you get no hits?:O And last one, is there any way i can add the chars like i was able in vselect or just manually? Of course you can Just PM me the categories you'd like and I'll get right on them for you:) 2.

Ctrl + F1 and Ctrl + F2 They should work just like any other MUGEN, so yes. The only one that should be odd is F2 and Shift + F2. In previous versions, F2 set both health bars to 1 while Shift + F2 did this to just Player 2. In MUGEN 1.1, F2 sets only Player 2's health to 1, and Shift + F2 is disabled. Stage Aspect Ratio The stages you have are likely 320x240 or 640x480.

Your stages are 4:3. You need 16:9 stages to show properly on a 1280 x 720 screenpack. If you're familiar with Fighter Factory 3, I can go into how I personally convert my favorite stages from 4:3 to 1280x720. It's a bit of a lengthy process so if you have hundreds of stages you're closely attached to, you might not want to use this or other widescreen screenpacks. Otherwise, check out how to convert stages or start up a new collection of widescreen stages. I didn't see an option for changing the KO! To read Perfect, but your win icon will have a gold overlay if you get a perfect.

VSelect vs Manual I'm not personally familiar with VSelect, I used it only once a long time ago. I don't imagine VSelect would be very practical for this Screenpack as the categories are done by giving the character cells no width and giving each row 300 'invisible' slots. Ex.

How to convert 4:3 Stages into 16:9 (Widescreen) This process looks long and confusing, but once you get the hang of it, it's easy-peasy. Note: Shift + F4 will be your best friend! It lets you reload your match, while reloading the data for your stage and your characters as well.

This will update any changes done to them, so you don't have to keep closing and reopening MUGEN to see your progress! Open the stage in Fighter Factory, and play the Stage in Training Mode of MUGEN. Also, open Calculator, or have some sort of calculator at hand.

In the stage's.def file, look for a section labeled StageInfo. It'll look a little something like this: StageInfo zoffset = 417 zoffsetlink = 999 autoturn = 1 resetBG = 1 localcoord = 640,480 Step 3.

If 'localcoord' is missing from this section, add it. Try 640, 480 first. Save and Reload the stage. If the stage looks disjointed or too small, change it to 320, 240. Take the second localcoord number (in this case it's 480) and use your calculator to multiply it by 0.75. In our example, 480.

0.75 = 360. Then you replace that second number with the value.

You should comment out that old value in case something goes wrong. So now, the code should look like this: StageInfo zoffset = 417 zoffsetlink = 999 autoturn = 1 resetBG = 1 localcoord = 640,360;480 Step 5. If you saved and reloaded the stage now, you'd see that it's in widescreen, but the camera's panned up so you can't see your characters! That's not good. This is where zoffset comes in. We're going to fix that right up! In this example, the zoffset is 417.

You're going to want to multiply that by 0.75 as well. So bust out the handy dandy calculator. 417. 0.75 = 312.75 Often times, you'll get a decimal, whether it's.25,.5, or.75 at the end of the result. If it's.25 or.5, I round down. If it's.75, I round up.

In this case, it's.75, so I'm rounding up to 313. Replace the old zoffset with your new result. Be sure to comment the old number, you're going to actually need this later. Your code should now look something like this: StageInfo zoffset = 313;417 zoffsetlink = 999 autoturn = 1 resetBG = 1 localcoord = 640,360;480 Step 6.

If you saved and reloaded now, you'd see that the characters came up, but not the rest of the stage. Your characters are walking on air! That's not what we want! Alright, well here's the last step.

We're going to get that stage caught up with your characters. Bust out your calculator this one last time.

You want to take your old zoffset and subtract your new zoffset. In this case, it is 417 - 313 = 104.

104 is the number of pixels the stage needs to move up. Now, we go into uncharted territory. You want to use the Alignment Tool for this.

You can find this in the toolbar at the top, go to Sprites Alignment Tool. (Here's a picture.) When the Alignment Tool comes up, the first thing you want to do is click the Select All button. Then, where the Y: value is at the top, you want to put in the number of pixels you just calculated (when you subtracted the zoffsets). In this example's case, it is 104. After you do that, click Apply ONLY ONCE. If you spam click it, it will add those 104 pixels for each click.

Then close the Alignment Tool and save. Reloading the stage should now show a nicely converted Widescreen stage for your enjoyment! Note that in some rare cases, some more complex stages will have some sprites that don't align correctly. There's nothing I really know how to do about that, for me those stages are just not meant to be. But this is a rare situation, most stages I convert work fine and look great. If you had the attention span for all that, then great!

Mugen 1.0 Screenpack 500 Slots

Congratulations on taking on such an intimidating endeavor and enjoy your HD Widescreen MUGEN:). Wow, thank you for all the info!:D I'll PM' you prolly later today, i hope, right now i'm moving my chars to your screenpack and keeping organized, since i cant add anything in 'auto' lol. It's a pain, but worth, tho. But most likely the ones for 'blazblue/melty blood' i wont be needing them. XD (DLC are & whatnot?) Already finished with KOF chars (147?) not counting edits, so far, and it's crazy when i try to go down to the next category, i already solve it.

I was sooo lost for like 1 hr fixing the slots. Wow, thank you for all the info!:D I'll PM' you prolly later today, i hope, right now i'm moving my chars to your screenpack and keeping organized, since i cant add anything in 'auto' lol. It's a pain, but worth, tho. But most likely the ones for 'blazblue/melty blood' i wont be needing them.

XD (DLC are & whatnot?) Already finished with KOF chars (147?) not counting edits, so far, and it's crazy when i try to go down to the next category, i already solve it. I was sooo lost for like 1 hr fixing the slots. I should warn new categories comes with a new select.def ^.^' Sorry @ Hopefully good copy-paste work will do you well. When scrolling down the categories, whenever the previous category isn't at the first character, the next category's selection would be messed up, i.e. Not starting from the first character.

Is it possible to make it such that, everytime you scroll from Capcom to SNK for example, it always starts at the first character? Since this type of mugen screenpack doesn't have select portraits, starting at the first character or the category could be very convenient.

As far as I know, that's not possible. The only reason the Categories actually work in the first place is because it's in the background, and the 'grid' you see in other select screens is simply invisible. (Or more accurately, each slot was given a horizontal value of 0.) So say, you're on the 16th Capcom character. You're actually on the 16th slot of that row on an invisible grid.

Mugen Screenpacks 100 Slots

If you move down, you'll be on the 16th SNK character. If there is no 16th SNK character, it skips through the categories until there is a 16th character.

(Or Random, as all slots in the Random row are. Well, randomselect.) There's no way to make it go from the 16th Capcom character to the 1st SNK character without going back to the 1st Capcom character. It's just the way MUGEN is designed.

If there is a way, I do not know it, and I've never seen it used in any other Category-style screenpacks. I found a bug with the last few categories - MUGEN, MISC (and DLC too). The characters I put into MISC (and DLC) do not appear.

I needed to copy and paste the list of characters in MISC into the MUGEN slot (having 2 lists of the same characters both in MUGEN and MISC), and delete all the BLANKs in the MUGEN slot, before ONLY SOME of the characters actually appeared in the MISC category. Correspondingly, the positioning for the cursor on RANDOMSELECT also got messed up. I don't know if I've explained it properly, but please look for any bugs in those last few categories. I found a bug with the last few categories - MUGEN, MISC (and DLC too). The characters I put into MISC (and DLC) do not appear.

I needed to copy and paste the list of characters in MISC into the MUGEN slot (having 2 lists of the same characters both in MUGEN and MISC), and delete all the BLANKs in the MUGEN slot, before ONLY SOME of the characters actually appeared in the MISC category. Correspondingly, the positioning for the cursor on RANDOMSELECT also got messed up. I don't know if I've explained it properly, but please look for any bugs in those last few categories.

This would be a result of an improper number of slots in likely either the MUGEN or Anime categories, caused by forgetting to delete BLANKs, not deleting enough, or deleting too many. Each category should have 300 slots. This list randomizer is a very useful tool: It randomizes the order of the lists but that's not the important feature here.

At the top of the randomized list it says There were (#) items in your list. Here they are in random order: Copy a category (bar the title) and paste it in the list randomizer, and if it says anything other than 'There were 300 items in your list.' , add or remove BLANKs accordingly. And deleting all of the blanks is never a good idea, unless you have 300 characters in those categories.

Mugen 1.0 Screenpack

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Get Tons of Free Coins.Free: Play Slots and Win Virtual Prizes. Play Free Now!I will show you how to add more character slots in the select screen. Note that this may not work on mugen 1.0 version. Well, I will show you how to do just that, but first you need to ensure that the Screenpack you are using has enough space to add more slots. Dont worry much if you dont, I will.Sep 10, 2017  MUGEN1.0 default 600 and 1160 slots select Started by Werewood, April 11. Though most people use something other than MUGEN 1.0s default screenpackI have about 60 character slots, but I want at least 112. How would I go about adding more?mugen screenpack 60 slots $divdiv We would like to welcome you to our casino room and also tell you a bit about us.

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Mugen 1.0 Screenpack 500 Slots Download

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