Error Range For Mac
I wrote a macro in Excel 2010 (Windows) and it runs without issues in that application. I encounter a runtime error 9 issue when I open the same macro file in Excel 2016 for Mac and try to run it. The macro copies and pastes cell ranges from a worksheet in the.xlsm file containing the macro into a worksheet of an.xlsx file that the macro prompts the user for, then opens once the user selects the desired file. I have shown the portion of the code runs until the error is encountered. The line that is underlined is what is shown highlighted when you enter debug mode and apparently is the line were execution stops and where the macro encounters the error in Excel 2016 for Mac. Does the macro need to be written differently if it's running on a Mac in MacOS Sierra vs on a windows machine running Windows 7?
If so, what needs to be done differently? Any help that could be provided would be greatly appreciated! (Portion of macro code shown below in italics) Sub ProcessPicks ' ' ProcessPicks Macro ' ' Set the dialog box title name Title = 'Select the Picks File' ' Get the filename PickFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(, Title) ' Exit if dialog box cancelled If PickFile = False Then MsgBox 'No File was Selected.' Hi, As your problem is related to VBA code in Excel 2016 for MAC, I suggest you post your issue for Excel 2016 for MAC answers forum, this forum is discussion problems of features in Office 2016 for MAC: The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us.
Error Range For Mac Free
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I wrote a macro in Excel 2010 (Windows) and it runs without issues in that application. I encounter a runtime error 9 issue when I open the same macro file in Excel 2016 for Mac and try to run it. The macro copies cell ranges from a worksheet in the.xlsm file containing the macro, and pastes them into a worksheet of an.xlsx file that the macro prompts the user for, then opens once the user selects the desired file. I have shown the portion of the code that runs until the error is encountered. The line that is underlined is what is shown highlighted when you enter debug mode and apparently is the line were execution stops and where the macro encounters the error in Excel 2016 for Mac. Does the macro need to be written differently if it's running on a Mac in MacOS Sierra vs on a windows machine running Windows 7? If so, what needs to be done differently?
Error Range For Machine Learning
Any help that could be provided would be greatly appreciated! (Portion of macro code shown below in italics) Sub ProcessPicks ' ' ProcessPicks Macro ' ' Set the dialog box title name Title = 'Select the Picks File' ' Get the filename PickFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(, Title) ' Exit if dialog box cancelled If PickFile = False Then MsgBox 'No File was Selected.'